AIIMS trained specialists answer your key questions on Covid-19 treatment

Coronavirus cases in India are increasing rapidly and they are there an acute shortage of hospital beds, ventilators, and medical oxygen. Concerned about the well-being of their friends and family, people run from column to column to arrange drugs like remdesivir, fabiflu (favipiravir), doxycycline, ivermectin, etc. India has reported over 3 lakh cases daily.

But of the 3 lakh who test positive for Covid-19 in one day, not everyone needs to be hospitalized, and even fewer need oxygen assistance and ventilators.

A majority of Covid-19 patients can recover through home isolation, and only the moderate and severe patients require hospitalization, ventilation, and oxygen assistance.

Mild case

If the patient has upper respiratory symptoms and / or fever WITHOUT shortness of breath or hypoxia.

Moderate case

If the patient’s respiratory rate is greater than 24 bpm, the patient is short of breath and SpO2 is 90% to less than or equal to 93% of the indoor air.

Hard case

Each of these

  • Breathing rate more than 30 / min
  • breathlessness
  • SpO2 less than 90 percent of the room air.

In the midst of all this, there is great confusion among patients, their families, and even doctors, all of whom are concerned for people’s safety. To clear this confusion, a team of AIIMS-trained specialists have created a guide for treating Covid-19.

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It answers important questions such as: B. When to perform an RT-PCR test. What Can You Do To Control Your Covid-19 Symptoms? What should you do if you cannot arrange remdesivir and other drugs etc?

The medical team says the goal of creating this guide, dubbed the “AIIMS Trained Specialists Consensus Guide for Treating Covid-19”, is to summarize what seems reasonable.

The team consists of five AIIMS-trained specialists, each with over 40 years of practical experience.

Answers to your questions about Covid-19: what experts say

Q: I have a fever for three days. Should I choose RT-PCR / rapid antigen test / CBNAAT?

A: If you have a fever for three days, the current situation will assume you have a Covid-19 infection. They should be treated accordingly.

If available, get an RT-PCR test for Covid-19. A Rapid Antigen Test or CBNAAT can only be carried out if there is no possibility for an RT-PCR test.

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Q: I have a fever for three days and my RT-PCR result for Covid-19 is positive. What should i do? What tests and medications should I take?

General care:

  • Ensure strict isolation at home. All positive patients in the same house do not have to stay in different rooms.
  • Monitor your temperature every six hours. If the temperature rises above 101, take one tablet of paracetamol 650 mg.
  • Monitor your blood oxygen levels with a pulse oximeter every six hours. If the value is 94 percent or more, then there is nothing to worry about. If the reading drops less than 94 percent, begin breathing exercises (pranayam).
  • Lie on your stomach (not on your back) for as long as possible. This will likely improve your oxygen levels. If the oxygen levels don’t improve, see if you can do a six-minute walk test (see end). Please note that the period during which the oxygen level can decrease is generally from the 5th to the 11th day from the date on which the first symptom began. If lying prone or six minutes doesn’t improve over 94 percent, you need to see a doctor and may need additional oxygen.
  • Normal diet (patients with comorbidities must continue to adhere to their disease-specific dietary restrictions).
  • Drink enough fluids (patients with comorbidities need to adjust fluid intake for each specific comorbidity).

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Should I do blood tests? If yes, which?

  • Usually, a blood test is not needed in mild cases.
  • In patients with severe symptoms (high fever, severe diarrhea, severe fatigue, etc.) but good oxygen levels, the following tests can be carried out as a basis (fasting): (a) CBC, (b) CRP, (c) LFT.

What is the treatment?

There is no specific treatment for Covid-19 infection. Only treatment to relieve symptoms is required.

Do this:

  • For fever / body aches / headaches: Take Paracetamol SOS.
  • For a sore throat: Take warm salt gargle.
  • For irritated throat, sneezing or runny nose: Take tablet cetirizine (Zyrtec); one tablet once a day
  • For dry cough: Take Montair LC tablet; one tab per day
  • For a wet cough (with phlegm / sputum): Take Bro-Zedex syrup, 1 or 2 teaspoons three times a day.
  • For loose movements: Take the electric oral rehydration powder as often as needed. If you have severe diarrhea, take Imodium 2 mg tablet as needed. Also take Ccurd at least once a day.
  • For general immunity boosters: Tab Zinc 50 mg (Tab Zinconia) for 15 days.

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But what about comorbidities?

  • People with a history of comorbidities such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, kidney disease, smokers, chronic breast disease, pulmonary tuberculosis, etc .:
  • Continue any medicines that are already being used for chronic diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid disease, asthma, cancer, arthritis, etc.
  • You must follow the advice of your treating doctor.
  • Your doctor may recommend that you do the following tests: serum ferritin, LDH, D-dimer, interleukin 6.

Just to repeat People over the age of 70 and people with diabetes and other comorbidities should follow your doctor’s instructions.

When is an HRCT breast needed?

  • People with normal (> 94) oxygen levels do not need a breast HRCT.
  • This should only be done if the oxygen level remains consistently below 94 percent or if there is severe shortness of breath.
  • CT scores that are performed nowadays can have problems of interpretation and are therefore not alarmed. Abnormal blood tests alone are NOT a reason to do a CT scan.

NOTE from the experts:

Please do not give / take Fabiflu (favipiravir) doxycycline, ivermectin, or azithromycin. None of these have a proven role. These can harm the patient as all medicines have side effects. The most common side effects of most drugs are nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and loose movements.

Steroids (Medrol / Dexona) are prohibited and dangerous for people with normal oximeter readings. Only those who need more than 3 l / min of additional oxygen assistance should be given a short course for five days. Starting steroids early (practiced by some) can, in our opinion, make the condition worse.

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Neither remdesivir nor convalescent plasma is of proven value. So don’t worry if these can’t be arranged. Neither will change the end result.

Much more important than blood tests or HRCT findings is the level of oxygen saturation in the finger oximeter. This is key to managing Covid-19.

How should I measure the oxygen content?

  • Place the oximeter on the middle finger of the right (dominant) hand.
  • First, check the function of the finger oximeter using test values ​​on other family members / carers.
  • Check both at rest and in the room after six minutes. If you can’t run for six minutes, try to run for at least three minutes.

However, the team of AIIMS-trained specialists also warns that this guide is a “simplified and basic guide” for patients and their general practitioners.

“It is based on the consensus of five AIIMS-trained specialists, each with over 40 years of practical experience. Each patient should treat Covid-19 according to the instructions of a competent doctor,” they said.

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