Bhopal crematoriums flooded with bodies: 187 cremated following Covid norms while records show only 5 deaths

The number of deceased Covid-19 patients who are cremated or buried in the city of Bhopal is far higher than reported in official records for the past few days.

At the cremation site in Bhopal, where around 5 to 10 bodies were previously brought in, 35 to 40 bodies are now brought in every day. The number of corpses cremated according to the Covid protocols is far higher than the official figures in Bhopal show.

While the government has phoned most of these suspected Covid-19 cases, the opposition has said it is a tactic to hide the actual numbers. Madhya Pradesh has seen a surge in Covid-19 cases in the second wave of infections last month.

At the Bhadbhada cremation site and in Subhash Nagar Ghat, AajTak found that a total of 187 bodies were cremated at the two locations between Thursday and Sunday in accordance with the Covid protocols. However, the official Covid-19 death toll remained at five.

The crematoria have designated Covid sections to incinerate those who die of Covid-19. Now, videos of the Bhadbhada crematorium have started to go round on social media showing a series of bodies being cremated in rows in these crematoriums.

In front of the Bhadbhada crematorium, people were standing in line. On Monday, according to Covid protocols, the crematorium burned at least 12 bodies while many other families waited for their turn to cremate a family member.

Madhya Pradesh experienced 37 deaths from Covid-19 in a 24-hour period, according to Monday’s official tally. However, the scenes in the Bhopal crematorium showed a different picture.

Creation figures in Bhadbhada, Subhash Nagar

In the Bhadbhada crematorium, a total of 133 corpses were cremated in four days according to Covid protocols. On Thursday it was 31, 29 on Friday, 34 on Saturday and 39 on Sunday.

The numbers showed a similar trend in the Subhash Nagar facility. In these four days, a total of 54 bodies were cremated according to the Covid-19 protocols. 7 bodies were cremated on Thursday, 8 on Friday, 16 on Saturday and 23 on Sunday.

However, the Madhya Pradesh government’s record over the same period shows that Bhopal has only recorded 5 Covid-19 deaths.

Corona curfew in Bhopal

A week longA curfew has been imposed in the city of Bhopal on Monday evening to contain the rising cases of Covid-19 in the capital, Madhya Pradesh. The curfew came into effect at 9:00 p.m. and will last until 6:00 a.m. on April 19.

At a district crisis management committee meeting on a day that Bhopal recorded more than 800 Covid-19 infections, it was decided at a district crisis management committee meeting to impose restrictions on the movement of people and the operation of commercial and commercial operations.

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