A rare phenomenon in which the moon completely obscures Mars for an hour and a half becomes visible from 5 p.m. from India.
A rare lunar occlusion of Mars will be visible in India later on Saturday. (Image to display: NASA)
A rare lunar occlusion of Mars will be visible from India on Saturday at 5 p.m. This occultation will be the result of the crescent moon that comes directly between Earth and Mars and is only visible from India, Indonesia and the west coast of South Africa.
During this phenomenon The moon will completely cover Mars for about an hour and a half.
A lunar occlusion of Mars is when the moon appears to pass in front of Mars and dwarfs the red planet. Such coverings are visible from Earth twice a year.
On Saturday evening, people can see Mars as a red dot in the night sky next to the moon.
The moon moves very close to Mars every month. With the naked eye, you can only see a few degrees of distance between them. According to astrologers, this space varies from place to place depending on where the phenomenon is viewed from.
Such occultation has occurred in recent months, two of which have been visible from Africa and South America, respectively.
The The lunar cover on Saturday, however, will be visible from all over India. Atul Bhat, coordinator of the Poornaprajna amateur astronomers club in Udupi, told The New Indian Express.
Interestingly, it was an occultation that led to the discovery of the rings of Uranus. Nasa’s Kuiper Airborne Observatory discovered the planet’s rings when Uranus obscured a star.
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