Centre gives states blueprint for containment of Covid-19 in rural areas

In a high-level video conference with all states and union territories on Sunday, the central government discussed strategies to contain and manage Covid-19 in the rural, peri-urban and tribal areas of India.

The The nation’s hinterland has seen high numbers of Covid-19 cases as well as increasing positivity and mortality rates. Test levels are low and the The medical infrastructure in the villages of India is not well equipped enough to handle the crisis.

The Union Ministry of Health has uploaded Standard Operating Instructions (SOPs) for managing the spread of Covid in rural India in a document on its website.

Raising awareness among employees on site

Union Health Minister Rajesh Bhushan highlighted some important parts of the SOP during the meeting. This includes raising awareness among ground workers, especially medics and block-level node officials, to monitor, contain, and use rapid antigen tests (RAT) for rapid screening.

State health ministers have been directed to hold regular review meetings with these on-site staff to ensure the SOPs get to the grassroots.

The states were also asked Organize meetings with Asha workers and Panchayati Raj institutions to train them to identify early signs of Covid-19 symptoms. Women’s self-help groups can also be used to disseminate information about Covid-appropriate behavior and to raise awareness of Covid symptoms and preventive measures.

The center advised states to use the services of the village health and sanitation committee and the Gramm Sabha as first responders in this crisis.

Test, triage, treat

The importance of community services and primary health care facilities was highlighted. The mechanisms for screening, isolating and referring cases from such areas, monitoring home isolation cases, expanding facilities for Covid care, and focusing on mental health support have been extensively discussed.

Dr. Balram Bhargava, Director General of India’s Medical Research Council, reiterated the importance of RATs in large-scale screening and rapid identification of Covid-19 cases. He also advised states to screen people for diabetes and other comorbidities.

Meanwhile, AIIMS director Randeep Guleria emphasized the need for an infection control protocol. He warned that donning and doffing kits for personal protective equipment are not strictly followed and this can infect the health care workers deployed. He advised state health officials to screen patients to reduce mortality.

Mucormycosis cases

Dr. Guleria also shed light on the cases of mucormycosis, which have been mentioned by many. He advised states to curb the excessive use of steroids. Steroids should only be given to people who are hypoxic in low doses and for no more than ten days in a row.

Vaccination drive

The center called on states to ensure that rural populations register for the Covid-19 vaccine using the CoWIN platform.

As a Solving the technology and internet access problem, The states were asked to make use of simplified cohort registration. For this purpose, Asha employees and block physicians can help to mobilize eligible population groups at a time published in advance for on-site registration in joint service centers.

The center urged states to take steps to increase vaccination rates in rural areas, especially among those over 45 years of age.

ALSO SEE: Bodies float in Ganga as Covid-19 hits rural India Basic report

ALSO SEE: Weak medical infrastructure and rising cases of Covid are leading rural India to turn to quacks for help

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