Chhattisgarh has launched its own vaccine portal called CGTEEKA for vaccinating the 18+ age group. Those who register for vaccination on this website will receive certificates with the photo of CM Baghel.
Vaccine recipients pose with certificates bearing the photo of CM Bhupesh Baghel. (India today)
The Chhattisgarh government has now started distributing vaccine certificates with photos of Prime Minister Bhupesh Baghel in place of Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the age group 18 and over.
People in the age group from 18 to 44 years will receive vaccination certificates with the photo of CM Bhupesh Baghel. Vaccine certificates across the country have so far carried a photo of PM Modi with his message.
The Chhattisgarh government has launched its own vaccine website, “CGTEEKA”, for vaccinations for ages 18-44, in place of the centre’s CoWin portal, which is used nationwide for vaccinations.
People who are vaccinated after registering on the Chhattisgarh government vaccine portal will receive a certificate with the photo of Bhupesh Baghel. However, this did not go over too well with the BJP.
Also read | Delhi stops vaccinating group 18+ as stocks run out
The opposition party has objected to the wearing of CM Baghel’s photo on vaccine certificates, saying that even in such disastrous times, Congress will not give up an opportunity to stand up for him and will issue a certificate with the prime minister’s photo.
Speaking to AajTak, Chhattisgarh Health Minister TS Singh Deo asked what was wrong with wearing the CM’s photo. “Objection to the photo on the certificate is useless,” said Deo.
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“Those who are vaccinated by the center receive certificates with the photo from PM Modi. If the Chhattisgarh government is buying the vaccines, why shouldn’t we have the photo of the CM? “Asked Health Minister Deodorant.
The minister added that Chhattisgarh is one of those states where rapid vaccination is carried out and around 7 lakh have been vaccinated in the 18-44 age group despite the limited vaccine supply.
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