According to Delhi Police sources, the guy sitting on the left with Sushil Kumar is the brother of gangster Kala Jathedi, Pradeep, who fled overseas with a prize of Rs 7 lakh on his head.
Sushil Kumar with Kala Jathedi’s brother Pradeep (in white shirt) (Courtesy of Facebook)
- Sushil Kumar was arrested in the Sagar Rana murder
- Sushil Kumar was taken into police custody for six days
- Gangster Kala Jathedi’s brother Pradeep also escapes
For two-time Olympic champion Sushil Kumar, who has been in police custody for six days in the Sagar Rana murder, there seems to be no end to the troubles.
In a new picture spread on social media, Sushil Kumar was seen with the brother Pradeep of the feared gangster Kala Jathedi. The photo was posted on Facebook on December 18, 2018 with the caption ‘bhaichara @pehalwanji.
According to the Delhi police, the guy next to Sushil is the brother of gangster Kala Jathedi, Pradeep, who fled overseas with prize money of Rs 7 lakh on his head.
The sources have also confirmed that Kumar spoke out on behalf of gangster relatives before the Delhi police. Kumar even went to Sonipat to help Kala Jathedi’s brother Pradeep on a case.
The police arrested Sushil and his associate, Ajay Kumar, after they had been on the run for almost a fortnight. After several unsuccessful attempts, the Delhi police arrested the Mundka wrestler in West Delhi. Sushil has been held in police custody for 6 days and the Delhi Police Crime Branch is investigating the case.
During the interrogation, Sushil confessed that he just wanted to teach the deceased one lesson so that no one would mess with him or consider him weak in the future. He admitted that he had no intention of assassinating Sagar Dhankar.
The difference of opinion between Sushil Kumar and Sagar Dhankhad consisted in an apartment belonging to Sushil Kumar in the model town of Delhi, Jathedi.
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