Watch: District collector slaps youth, smashes his phone for ‘violating’ lockdown in Chhattisgarh 

A district collector in Chhattisgarh hit a youth who reportedly tried to buy drugs as part of the nationwide lockdown on Saturday. In addition to beating him, the district collector asked the police to beat him and ordered an FIR against him.

A video of the incident went viral on social media.

The incident occurred in the Surajpur district of Chhattisgarh. In the viral video, district collector Ranbir Sharma can be seen picking up the youth’s phone and then smashing it on the street.

He then beats the youth while trying to show him some papers to explain why he is outside during the lockdown.

The district collector refuses to listen. Meanwhile, some police officers arrive at the scene and one of them starts beating up the youth. Another policeman joins him and beats him up as well. Meanwhile, the district collector watches and says “maaro ise” (beats him up).

Towards the end of the video, the district collector can be heard instructing the police to file an FIR against the youth.

In response to the incident and the viral video, Sanjeev Gupta, Secretary of the Secretariat of the Interstate Council of the Union’s Interior Ministry, said the district collector’s act was “despicable” and “inappropriate for an IAS official”. He said he had also raised the matter with the Secretary General of Chhattisgarh.

“Despicable behavior that won’t become an IAS officer. Hit a boy and hit his phone. Gora Sahib Syndrome! He could have checked with more dignity or had the police take action about speeding up. I got the Secretary General on it alerted Chhattisgarh, “he tweeted.

In a report on the incident, the Times of India said he was booked for speeding.

The district judge told the newspaper that the boy was not a minor, but 23 years old. He said the person who was beaten (by him) and canned by the police was racing on his bike and could not properly explain why he was out when the city was closed.

“When the police tried to intercept him, he tried to escape by accelerating the bike too fast. He later made two different statements when asked why he was absent,” the TOI district collector was quoted as saying.

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