10 months. That’s how long this UK man tested positive for Covid | Read his story

More than 290 days. No, we are not dealing with a wave or two of the Covid-19 virus for that long, but how many days this man from Great Britain was Covid-positive.

Dave Smith caught Covid-19 at the start of the first wave in the UK last year. But all hit Covid-related long-term long Problems people generally face, Dave lived with the virus for almost 10 months, making it the longest registered active Covid-19 infection to date.

During his ongoing battle against the coronavirus, 72-year-old Dave Smith had 43 positive RT-PCR tests and was hospitalized seven times.

“I counted them 43 times. And each one positive, one week later positive, oh positive. My energy level went down immediately. I couldn’t lift anything. Once I coughed for five hours continuously. I don’t mean cough-break, cough-break. Me my cough, cough, cough, “said Dave in one Interview with BBC television.

Recalling his Covid battle, the seventy-year-old said his health sometimes deteriorated “to the point of death,” prompting his wife to arrange a funeral five times.

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“Whenever I felt bad, I felt really bad right up to the door of death. My wife started arranging a funeral five times, ”Smith was quoted as saying.

In an interview where he first revealed his harrowing and rare experience, he jokingly added, “I called the whole family to make my peace with them. I wish I had shut up now. “

Smith, a retired driving instructor, was with the Antibody cocktail used to treat former US President Donald Trump. The cocktail drug developed by Regeneron contains two antibodies – casirivimab and imdevimab – that bind to different sites on the coronavirus spike protein, preventing it from infecting new cells.

Dave said he lost 10 pounds (117 kg to 64 kg) during the period, adding that he was “ready to give up” and even told his wife that his body could no longer take it.

“I said to Lyn, my wife, let me go. I said I persevered but now it’s so bad I’m just a jelly. If I go at night don’t be surprised, ”said Dave Da.

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Speaking of saying goodbye to him during the worst stages of his struggle with the novel virus, Dave’s wife, Lyn, said, I mean, we discussed things and made things right, yes. There have been many times that we thought he wasn’t going to get through. “

Dave said he celebrated the news that he was Covid negative with a bottle of champagne.

Did the drug cocktail make Dave better?

When asked if the cocktail of drugs that Dave Smith was given was what made him better and cleared him of Covid, Dr. Ed Moron of Southmead Hospital, who treated Dave: “There is a slim chance he will be better.” alone, and it’s a coincidence. And the only way ever to prove it is through due process. “

“And this is essentially one patient’s story, an anecdote. But it is quite convincing that he was unwell for 10 months or more and then recovered from the administration of this drug,” added the doctor.

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The case of Dave Smith was studied by scientists to see how the virus behaves in the body.

Dr. Andrew Davidson from the University of Bristol said, “Where is the virus hiding in the body? How can it stay in people with persistent infection? And we don’t know. “

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