Clinical trials over, Zydus Cadila vaccine for 12-18 age group soon: Centre informs Supreme Court

The center informed the Supreme Court on Saturday that Zydus Cadila, which is developing a DNA vaccine, has completed its clinical trials for ages 12 to 18 and the vaccine could be available in the near future, subject to legal approvals.

The center had submitted an affidavit in response to the SC’s questions about vaccination policy in the country, which was undergoing a revision earlier this month. The center also briefed the court on the status of vaccine availability in the country and its overall plan for it vaccinate all adults by the end of December.

Regarding the status of the availability of vaccines for children, the central government said that the Drugs Controller General of India on April 12 The affidavit added that the registration process for the clinical trials had also begun.

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“It is humbly reported that the companies’ Covid-19 vaccine manufacturers in India have so far only received the ‘Emergency Use Authorization’ for vaccinating people aged 18 and over / children under 18 and is due to the fact that the clinical study cohort during phase 1, 2 and 3 did not cover children under the age of 18, ”it says.


The center informed the Supreme Court that “the biggest vaccination campaign in history” is in full swing.

The center provided a vaccine breakdown by June 26, the day the affidavit was filed. According to an affidavit, 35.6 million doses of vaccine have been made available across the country. Of this, 26.6 crore was Covishield vaccines, 8 crore was Covaxin, and an additional dose of 1 crore was provided as raw material support under the COVAX facility.

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In addition, the center told the Supreme Court that a total of 51.6 million doses of Covid vaccine would be available by July 31. Of these, 35.6 million cans have already been provided.


Aside from the three Covid-19 vaccines – Covaxin, Covishield, and Sputnik V – currently being administered across the country, the center also notified the Supreme Court of other vaccines that are currently in the pipeline.

The center said, “Also, some other domestic vaccines such as Biological E and Zydus Cadila will continue to increase vaccine availability in the late stages of clinical trials and subject to regulatory approvals.”

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The central government stated in its 380-page affidavit that the regulatory process for the use of foreign vaccines in India has been accelerated and simplified in order to further increase the availability of vaccines in the country and to create incentives for foreign manufacturers.


Regarding the pricing mechanism of the Covid-19 vaccine, the government made it clear that due to the initial support for the development of Covaxin, it has secured a price of Rs 150 per dose for Covaxin and it will not be possible to lower it any further.

“This price is the lowest procurement price in the world,” said the center.


The government said the country’s total population ages 18 and older is around 93 to 94 billion for 2020, as projected by mid-year. Therefore, an estimated 186 to 188 billion Covid-19 vaccine doses would be required to give two doses to each beneficiary.

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“Of this requirement, 51.6 million doses will be made available for administration by July 31, 2021, leaving the eligible population with a need of approximately 135 million vaccine doses for full vaccination,” the center said.

The government has also provided a breakdown of vaccines available from all sources. The center said a total of 135 million doses will be procured – 50 million doses of Covishield, 40 million doses of Covaxin, 30 million doses of Bio E Subunit vaccine, 5 million doses of Zydus Cadila DNA vaccine, and 10 million doses of Sputnik V.

In particular, the procurement of the Bio-E Subunit Vaccine and the Zydus Cadila DNA Vaccine is subject to approval, which will take place in the near future.

“It is alleged that the vaccination campaign would obviously get a boost if the Government of India tried to get vaccines available outside of India such as vaccines from Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, etc.

The center added that efforts are being made to source these Covid-19 vaccines from abroad at the level of the highest political executive in the country and also at the highest diplomatic level.

“As these efforts are at a very advanced stage, it is neither desirable nor possible to fully explain these facts. Once these efforts are made, the speed of vaccination will continue to accelerate and accelerate,” the press release said.

(With entries from PTI)

CLOCK: PM Modi checks the vaccination progress

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