Pakistan plans to set up international media channel funded by China to build narrative: Report

An international news platform China-funded to build a positive narrative is part of the Pakistani information war, according to a Sino-Pakistani cooperation concept paper that was intercepted by Indian intelligence agencies.

The leaked documents, which Indian authorities got their hands on from the Pakistani security establishment, show that Pakistan intends to work with China to launch an information war campaign around the world, with Beijing providing finance and guidance.

The concept paper, peer-reviewed by India Today, is entitled “Building the Capacity to Combat Hostile Narratives by Countering Alternate Narratives”.

The paper says the project examines aspects of truth and facts in order to suppress misunderstandings.

Pakistan’s internal dynamism is favorable to open media, but financial challenges pose a hurdle, the paper says, while justifying the need to join forces with China.

“There is a need for an Al Jazeera and RT format media house to drive accessible narratives. A Pakistani media company financed by China will achieve the goals set, ”the document says.

He adds that international media professionals can be hired.

While China and Pakistan do not share any cultural or civilizational characteristics, the concept paper speaks of “two competing thoughts, the struggle of the civilization of the West vs. the integration of the civilization of China”.

This comes amid constant reports of persecution of the Muslim Uighur population in the Xinjiang region of China, which Pakistan has always ignored, officials say.

At a meeting of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, Chinese President Xi Jinping recognized the negative effects of the targeted attacks by their “Wolf Warrior” diplomats on countries around the world.

In the recent past, Pakistan has wanted to work with Turkey to establish an Islamic channel to present “correct Islamic values” to the world. This project has been put on hold due to a lack of interest and energy from both parties, officials said.

Indian officials believe this project is an attempt to correct Pakistan’s image and it could benefit China as well. “The fact that the financing is provided by China is enough proof that China wants to use this channel as a springboard to improve its image.”

The document further adds that China competes with the West in technology and economics, but is still catching up with the US. “In a social media dominated world, winning the battle of narrative is more important than the physical battle,” he adds.

Pakistan-China ally for information warfare

Indian officials tracking cyberwarfare say Pakistan has played a role in the past in spreading a pro-Chinese narrative amid border tensions in Ladakh. There was an attempt to spread a story that few Chinese soldiers were injured after the ugly clash in Galwan Alley last year that killed 20 Indian soldiers.

China’s cooperation with Pakistan is not limited to the procurement of military equipment, but takes a different form and is becoming increasingly strategic when it comes to the sharing of space resources. China’s in-house navigation system BeiDou will soon be used by Pakistan for both military and civil purposes.

The Chinese satellite navigation bureau (CSNO) has agreed to set up a BeiDou-enabled network of continuously operating radar stations (CORS) in Pakistan for precise geospatial applications, particularly in the field of surveying and mapping, civil engineering and scientific studies.

Pakistan acquires remote sensing satellites from China. Apart from military means, Sino-Pakistani defense cooperation was also exercised in the area of ​​information warfare. Pakistan also receives support from China for cyber warfare.

Pakistan is looking for Chinese cooperation in the field of cyber information security and cybersecurity. She wants Chinese help with monitoring the Internet and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP).

China is also facilitating Pakistan in building its extensive cyber warfare capabilities through the establishment of an information security laboratory under the National Electronics Complex of Pakistan.

Also read: Global conflict triangle? US think tank suggests possible wars between India and Pakistan, India and China

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