Fishermen were seen wearing Tamil Nadu Fisheries Minister Anitha Radhakrishnan when she was visiting Palaverkadu to study sea erosion.
Anitha Radhakrishnan is carried by fishermen. (Screen capture)
Anitha Radhakrishnan, the Minister of Fisheries, Fisheries and Animal Husbandry in Tamil Nadu, was taken by fishermen to keep his slippers from getting wet. The video of the incident went viral on social media where people are calling the minister about the VIP culture.
The DMK minister was in Palaverkadu to investigate sea erosion. He spoke to the locals and also took a boat trip.
When the boat reached the bank, the fishermen put a chair in front of the boat so that the priest could get off the boat. However, when the fishermen saw that he was reluctant to wet his shoes, the fishermen carried the minister to dryness.
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