The government of Jammu and Kashmir has issued a new circular requesting departments to review the performance of employees who have completed 22 years of service or who have reached the age of 48.
(Picture for illustration)
In a key decision aimed at laying off underperforming workers, the government of Jammu and Kashmir has asked administrative secretaries to initiate a process to identify employees who are “at work or no longer able to work” after 22 years of service or turned 48 years old.
In October 2020, the J&K government amended Article 226 (2) of the Jammu and Kashmir Code of Civil Servants to allow any civil servant to retire at any time after completing 22 years of service or 48 years of age.
The finance commissioner at the time had issued a notice to this effect and stated that the competent authority had to announce either three months in advance or three months of the subsidy for the retirement of an employee.
Almost a year later, the J&K government issued a new circular urging departments not to initiate employee performance reviews.
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Chief Secretary Arun Kumar Mehta stated in the circular: “It has been observed that the departments have not initiated an exercise to review the performance of civil servants.”
“It is imperative for all Administrative Secretaries to initiate the process / exercise of reviewing the performance of Government Officials who have reached the age of 48/22 years of service in order to identify those Government Officials who are incapacitated and unable to continue in the exercised position and have no use for the purpose for which they are used, ”says the circular.
The circular goes on to say: “The services are following the procedure set out in Article 226 (2) of the Jammu & Kashmir Public Service Regulations, Volume I and will submit the cases of such identified staff to the Audit Committee for review by the appropriate authority.”
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