People in the village of Kogilabanna in the Uttara Kannada district of Karnataka watched in awe and fear as a crocodile took a leisurely stroll through the streets of their village on Thursday. The crocodile was later released into the river by forest officials.
People watch the crocodile from afar as it strolls through the streets of the village. (Screen capture)
In the early hours of Thursday morning, a crocodile was seen strolling the streets of the village of Kogilabanna in the Uttara Kannada district of Karnataka.
The reptile is said to have found its way from the Kali River near the Dandeli Nature Reserve, which is about 5 km from the village.
The video, which went viral on social media, shows the crocodile strolling near the houses while villagers followed him from afar.
When the residents were informed, officials from the forestry department caught the animal and released it into the river.
Clock: Crocodile takes a walk through the streets of the village of Karnataka
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