Mamata Banerjee attacked the central government over its reaction in parliament to the lack of medical oxygen during the second wave of Covid.
West Bengal’s Prime Minister Mamata Banerjeeje
The Prime Minister of West Bengal, Mamata Banerjee, criticized the central government on Thursday for its recent response in parliament that no one in the country died of medical oxygen starvation during the second wave of Covid-19.
“It’s a total lie … that’s why we say ‘Jumlaabaji’ is not enough … do you have data on how many people died? How many bodies were floating in Uttar Pradesh?” said Mamata Banerjee when addressing the media at the State Secretariat.
Request that the Government of India provide proper data on deaths from Covid-19the Bengali Prime Minister asked: “Where are the data? How many vaccines were given, how many drugs were given out? What did you do for the third wave? People have to know everything. “
“Only lies won’t work. That’s the biggest threat, they say something and do something. ‘Jhoot Bole Kawwa Kaate’ … there is a song they should be reminded of! ”Said the Trinamool Congress colonel, hitting the Modi government.
Also read: Khela Hobe 2.0: is Mamata considering a bigger role in national politics?
Also observe: Got my phone taped up to prevent sniffing: Mamata Banerjee
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