While the asteroid will pass the earth from nine times the distance between the earth and the moon, the object will fly at a tremendous speed of 94,208 kilometers per hour.

Nasa has designed its orbital orbit and this time does not expect any damage to the planet. (Photo: Getty)
Asteroids have always been of concern to astronomers around the world, and an object roughly 4,500 feet in diameter has added itself to the list as it nears Earth. NASA has classified the asteroid 2016 AJ193 as potentially dangerous as it approaches Earth on the night of August 21.
While Asteroid will pass the earth from a distance nine times greater than between the earth and the moon, the object will travel at a tremendous speed of 94,208 kilometers per hour. With telescopes, astronomers can observe how the 1.4-kilometer-wide asteroid moves past Earth on its orbit.
The object, classified as potentially dangerous, will next come close to Earth in 2063. Nasa has predicted its orbit and does not expect any damage to the planet this time.
The asteroid was first discovered in January 2016 by the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS) at the Haleakala Observatory in Hawaii NASA used the NEOWISE space probe to observe the flight object. According to EarthSky, astronomers found that the asteroid is very dark (not very reflective) and its period of rotation, polar direction, and spectral class are all unknown.

The asteroid orbits the sun every 5.9 years because it is relatively close to the earth’s orbit. (Photo: NASA)
The asteroid orbits the Sun every 5.9 years as it comes relatively close to Earth’s orbit but then wanders beyond Jupiter’s orbit. The Aug 21 flyby will be the closest approach of this asteroid to Earth for at least the next 65 years, the longest period of time for which its orbit has been calculated.
What are asteroids?
Asteroids are fragments of rock that were left over from the formation of the solar system about 4.6 billion years ago. According to the Nasa Joint Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), which tracks the movement of asteroids, an asteroid is classified as a near-earth object if its distance from our planet is less than 1.3 times the distance from the earth to the sun (the Distance earth-sun.). is about 93 million miles).
NASA tracks over 26,000 near-Earth asteroids, and over 1,000 of them are considered potentially dangerous. The agency tracks the asteroid’s movement around the sun to determine its location and calculates an elliptical orbit that best fits the available observations of the object.
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