Navjot Sidhu’s adviser Malvinder Singh Mali has continued his attack on CM Amarinder Singh, calling him “Ali Baba” and his helpers “Chaalis Choir”.
Sidhu’s adviser has called Amarinder Singh “Ali Baba” and his helpers “Chaali’s Choir”.
Advisor to Punjab Congress Leader Navjot Sidhu Malvinder Singh Mali continues his attack on Punjab Prime Minister Capt Amarinder Singh and his supporters even after the recent controversy surrounding his recent comments on Indira Gandhi.
Mali launched another attack on Amarinder Singh and his loyalist ministers who had called for action against him.
Mali warned the Amarinder camp and said in its Facebook post that Navjot Sidhu would neither act as a “groom” nor “lead the wedding procession of Alibaba and Chaali’s choir”.
In addition to Punjab Education and PWD Minister Vijay Inder Singla, Mali has also targeted the former Union Minister and Lok Sabha MP Manish Tewari.
While Mali referred to Manish Tewari as “Bhagoda” (proclaimed perpetrator) of Ludhiana, he named Vijay Inder Singla one of the forty thieves (chaalis chor) of Ali Baba in the FB post.
Mali has accused Singla of “openly pillaging” PWD and other departments. He also accused him of diverting the panchayat funds to pocket the money.
Mali says on the one hand that its fight is not directed against an individual and against politics, on the other hand it continues to attack Amarinder Singh and his supporters personally.
Manish Tewari said Tuesday that Sidhu’s advisors had no place in Congress because they followed the Islamabad line.
“I urge Harish Rawat to seriously consider that those who do not consider J&K to be part of India and others who allegedly have pro-Pakistani leanings should be part of the Punjab Congress,” said Manish Tewari in his sweetness.
Six of Amarinder Singh’s loyalists, including Vijay Inder Singla, had also urged the high command of Congress to ask Sidhu to contain his advisors Malwinder Singh Mali and Pyare Lal Garg in the interests of the party and the country.
Almost eight congressional leaders, including four disgruntled cabinet ministers, have called for the captain’s removal and have met with Harish Rawat in Dehradun to secure a changing of the guard in Punjab.
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