Perseid meteor shower: See amazing throwback photos by stargazers

The Perseid meteor shower, one of the most amazing and unique celestial events, will be visible to people in the northern hemisphere on the night of August 12th to 13th.

Perseid meteor shower 2021, When to see Perseid meteor shower 2021, Where to see Perseid meteor shower 2021, What is Perseid meteor shower, Science News, Nasa Perseid meteor shower

A man shines his light on the Milky Way during the height of the Perseid meteor shower in Mavrovo National Park in Macedonia. (Photo: Reuters)

The most anticipated meteor shower, Perseid is an annual phenomenon This happens between mid-July and early August, when the earth crosses the remains of the comet ‘Swift-Tuttle’.

Perseid meteor shower will be visible on the night of August 12-13 for people in the northern hemisphere.

While the event peaks on August 11-13, the meteors and their traces will be visible for an additional 10 days between midnight and dawn. Nasa said the best time to watch it was during the hours before dawn on August 12th.

From midnight to dawn each morning of the week before or after some meteors should also be produced.

Scroll down to see some of the best photos of the Perseid meteor shower in recent years:

1Where does Perseide come from?

Perseid meteor shower 2021, When to see Perseid meteor shower 2021, Where to see Perseid meteor shower 2021, What is Perseid meteor shower, Science News, Nasa Perseid meteor shower

Perseid comes from comet 109P / Swift-Tuttle, which orbits the sun every 133 years and is named after Lewis Swift and Horace Tuttle, who first discovered it in 1862. The comet is almost twice the size of the asteroid that is leading to extinction. led dinosaurs on earth.

The Perseids meteor shower takes its name from the point in the sky from which the meteors seem to come – the constellation Perseus. (Reuters)

2What is the Perseid meteor shower?

Perseid meteor shower 2021, When to see Perseid meteor shower 2021, Where to see Perseid meteor shower 2021, What is Perseid meteor shower, Science News, Nasa Perseid meteor shower

Perseids come from leftover comet particles and fragments of asteroids. Known for fireballs that glow in the night sky, these meteors leave a dusty trail every year as the earth crosses their debris field. During the event, the number of meteorites can be up to 60 per hour. During the peak, a meteor that looks like a falling star can be seen every two minutes. (Reuters)

3How can you watch Perseid meteor showers?

Perseid meteor shower 2021, When to see Perseid meteor shower 2021, Where to see Perseid meteor shower 2021, What is Perseid meteor shower, Science News, Nasa Perseid meteor shower

To watch the meteor shower, find a comfortable place, avoid bright light as much as possible, and give your eyes some time to get used to the darkness – up to half an hour. When the sky is clear, you don’t need any equipment to watch the beautiful meteor shower. It will be visible all over the sky at night and can be easily seen with the naked eye.

4thWhen will the Perseid meteor shower peak this year?

Perseid meteor shower 2021, When to see Perseid meteor shower 2021, Where to see Perseid meteor shower 2021, What is Perseid meteor shower, Science News, Nasa Perseid meteor shower

According to astronomers, the event on August 11th, 12th and 13th is likely to produce the most meteors, and the best time to observe them is between midnight and sunrise on these days. While the event peaks on August 11-13, the meteors and their traces will be visible for an additional 10 days between midnight and dawn.

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