The government of Tamil Nadu on Saturday extended the lockdown caused by Covid in the state until September 6, with additional restrictions.
From September 1, the state will reopen schools for students in grades 9 to 12 with 50 percent capacity under strict observance on Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) according to a rotation system. However, with a view to reopening schools for grades 1 to 8, discussions will begin after September 15.
On August 6, the state government extended the ongoing Covid-induced Lockdown in the state through August 23 with some new restrictions.
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According to the new guidelines, diploma and technical colleges are also allowed to hold courses from September 1, subject to compliance with the SOPs.
All medical and nursing universities in the country started their work on August 16.
Cinemas are allowed to work with 50 people from Monday, provided that all employees are fully vaccinated.
Public access to the shores of the beach is permitted while officials are instructed to ensure that vendors in the area are vaccinated.
Even shops are allowed to stay open until 10 p.m. and IT companies are allowed to work with 100 percent of the workforce.
In the meantime, public bus connections to Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka are allowed to operate under strict SOPs.
The day nursery is allowed to function as long as all employees are vaccinated.
Swimming pools may only be opened for training if they are 50 percent full and it must be ensured that trainers and students aged 18 and over are vaccinated.
All churches are closed to the public on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
However, the state government has again asked citizens to keep their distance in public areas and to wear masks.
ALSO READ: Spike in Covid-19 cases in Tamil Nadu, health minister says surge due to increasing testing
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