New Zealand MP gives birth after cycling to hospital in labour. Viral story

In a recent post on Facebook and Instagram, New Zealand MP Julie Anne Genter shared her story of riding a bike to the hospital during her painful contractions at 3 a.m. on Sunday.

New Zealand MP Julie Anne Genter rode her bike to the hospital during labor and gave birth to a healthy baby an hour later.

A Member of Parliament (MP) from Green in New Zealand has caught internet users’ attention for driving to the hospital to have her child born. MEP Julie Anne Genter had already done the same when she gave birth to her first child, a son. In a recent post on Facebook and Instagram, Genter shared her story of riding a bike to the hospital during her painful labor at 3 a.m. on Sunday.

Genter shared the news with nice news. “Big news! We welcomed the newest member of our family this morning at 3:04 am. I really didn’t plan on riding my bike during labor, but it did. My contractions weren’t as bad when we got to 2:00 am.” went to the hospital – although they were 2-3 minutes apart and increasing in intensity by the time we got there 10 minutes later (I smile right after one in the parking lot) and amazingly, we now have a healthy, happy little one asleep, just like you guys Father, I feel blessed to have such great care and support from a great team, which turned out to be a very quick (and luckily, straightforward) birth. ”She wrote in the caption.

Just look:

Ghent’s post was showered with love and good wishes from netizens. While some were overjoyed with the news, others pointed out that cycling was likely much more beneficial during childbirth.

This is not the first time that Ghent has cycled to the hospital to give birth. Three years ago she rode a bike to Auckland Hospital to give birth to a healthy boy.

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern also made headlines in 2018 for taking maternity leave during her pregnancy and taking her three-month-old daughter to a UN meeting while she was breastfeeding.

What do you think of this incredible story?

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