Congress leader Rahul Gandhi took to social media Sunday morning to attack Prime Minister Narendra Modi over the controversy over the Rafale deal. He posted a picture [below] with the heading ‘Chor ki dadhi’ (thief’s beard).
The Rafale deal for 36 fighter jets worth € 7.8 billion was signed in 2016 between the Indian government and the French aircraft manufacturer Dassault Aviation. On Saturday that The Congress party had called for an investigation by the Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) in the deal after France started its judicial investigation in June.
Congress has repeatedly accused the Modi government of signing the treaty with France at a much higher price than was negotiated during the UPA rule. The opposition party also alleged favoritism, claiming that Reliance Defense, owned by Anil Ambani, had been hired as a balancing partner by weapons manufacturer Dassault Aviation, even though the company had no prior knowledge.
In response to Rahul Gandhi’s social media post, the responsible BJP IT department head Amit Malviya said on Twitter: “Rahul Gandhi has lowered himself to this level after piling up the choicest abuses in the run-up to 2019. People across India have refused. ” him, but he is most welcome to fight on this issue in the 2024 elections! “
Rahul Gandhi, after accumulating the choicest abuses in the run-up to 2019, has now lowered himself to this level.
People all over India rejected him at the time, but he is very welcome to fight for the 2024 elections on this issue!
– Amit Malviya (@amitmalviya) 4th July 2021
In April 2021, The French magazine Mediapart reported on the alleged misconduct in the Rafale deal. Citing an investigation by the French anti-corruption authority, the publication reported that Dassault Aviation had approx one million euros to an Indian middleman. Dassault Aviation had rejected the corruption allegations.
June 14th France opened an investigation into alleged “corruption and favoritism” in the Rafale Accords, signed in 2016 on the basis of reports from Mediapart and a complaint from the NGO Sherpa.
July 2nd, Mediapart reported that a French judge had been appointed to lead the judicial investigation.
On the 3rd of July, The Congress Party in India issued a detailed press release claiming that France’s recent action exposed the corruption of the Modi government’s agreement and that Rahul Gandhi was therefore “confirmed”. The opposition party called for an investigation into the JPC.
however, in 2019, India’s Supreme Court heard a public interest case on the deal and said it saw nothing wrong with it.
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