The Karnataka government has set up a five-member committee to track down “missing foreigners staying in India too long”.
The Karnataka government has set up a five-member committee to track down “missing foreigners staying in India too long”. (Photo: PTI file)
In response to a request from the Union’s Department of Interior to all states, the Karnataka government set up a five-member committee to “find missing foreigners who have been missing since Jan.
Under the decree issued, the chief secretary (prisons, crimes and auxiliary services) of the state will be responsible for the committee. Other members of the committee include the Regional Commissioner for Foreigners (FRRO), the Police Commissioner (state secret service), the police commissioners of the districts concerned and a representative of the National Computer Center (national immigration, visa and alien registration and tracking). ).
The committee is responsible for submitting a monthly report to the Ministry of Interior of the Union Government by the 7th of each month. The monthly report must include the missing foreigner tracking status.
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Just one day before the formation of this committee, the Central Crime Branch (CCB) in Bengaluru arrested 38 foreigners who were suspected of illegally residing in the city and selling drugs. Many of them were unable to produce legitimate documents.
After serving a term, 14 of them were released. According to police reports, around 65 houses in eastern and northern Bengaluru were searched in connection with this. During the raids, CCB sniffer dogs seized narcotics, including ecstasy pills and ganja.
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